Hello there! So nice to see you on this website, you look rather good today, is that a new shirt? The shirt goes well with the color of your eye/eyes (As you may have noticed, we are very respectful towards one eyed people, unknown alien races, pirates and cyclopses).
Pelican Party studios is based in Rotterdam - Netherlands. The team consists of two passionated goofs; Jesper van den Ende & Jurgen Hoogeboom. Both have a background in visual effects and immersive media. Jesper is obsessed with technology, coding and creating worlds to get lost in. Jurgen is obsessed with concepting, illustrating and animation. They love working on games and everything that goes with it. They both combined their powers forming a party now known as Pelican Party.
Our mission is to produce inspiring work that is original, experimental and humorous. Working with new technology like VR and discovering new possibilities is something that fuels our passion. The games we create are games we would play ourselves, passion projects.